The drama program at Bhavani School consists of classroom drama and a co-curricular drama program.
In the Middle Years, Drama students develop a range of skills including expressive and performance skills, play-making techniques, and scripting. Students experiment with a range of eclectic performance styles and contemporary theatrical principles.
Our Contemporary Movement courses are also on offer, allowing students to develop choreographic and movement skills. In these courses, students study a range of styles including Cultural Dance, Musical Theatre, and Indigenous Storytelling.
In their Senior Years, Drama students develop key skills in theatre-making as they undertake study into the devising and play-making process. Students create works that are eclectic in nature and draw upon conventions from a range of performance styles.
All students, Girls, and Boys, are offered & encouraged to participate in dance lessons, covering modern, jazz, tap, and classical conducted by independent professionals at a state-of-the-art dedicated facility.